Taking you
Closer to God.
Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr.
Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr. is the pastor of Radcliffe Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a 1997 honor graduate of J. C. Smith Theological Seminary, the Presbyterian member institution of the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, Georgia. He holds the Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. He is married to Dr. Gerilyn Metoyer Stephens.
Dr. Stephens has a passion for justice and believes that the body of Christ must be engaged in seeking justice and liberation for the oppressed.
Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr., Pastor
Thought of the Day
Pastor's Reflections
According to the account of creation in Genesis the first thing that God did to bring order to the emptiness and darkness gave light. God went on about God’s creative activity and crowned all that God had created with the creation of human beings in God’s own image.
Light allows us to see beyond our prejudices to the reality of God’s design and perceive that EVERYTHING that God has created is good.
To be a society in the image of God we must INSIST ON LIGHT.
What a different world–a different–city and a different church we would be if we INSISTED ON LIGHT! IMAGINE THAT!
Sharing Faith, Joy, and Connection
Hello, I am happy you have come to visit. My hope is that you will come here to share your joys and celebrations. I also look forward to hearing about your spiritual journey and any questions you may have about your faith. My hope is that here we can have a rich conversation that will strengthen the whole Body of Christ as we reflect on what we believe. My prayer is to create a space for sharing and exploring, not arguing, debating or trying to make a point. I pray that as we share with one another we can grow together.
Family and friends are an important factor in my life and I want to share these moments with you. So, take a look into my life. Below, I have shared some images and videos of friends and family just for fun.